Monday, July 27, 2009

I see it, I see it.

After Sylvia ran up the hill and told me to grab my camera, which she does quite often, I took off down the hill with anticipation. After trying to see what it was she wanted me to photograph, I finally focused in on the object. This is such a wonderful place to live in.

Friday, July 24, 2009

And the winner is. . .

Today, Annie and I were the official judges at the Caldera School in Caldera, Panama for the first grade class. We had to judge the cooking of two 1st grade students on verbal presentation of what they were presenting, taste, food presentation and something else that Annie and I had no idea what it was.

This is the dish that won

This is the winner Ana

This was the second place winner and her presentation

Thursday, July 23, 2009


After taking a month off I thought I would start up again with photos of some of Annie's many Orchids. Don't ask the names just enjoy.